Home » Programs » Preschool Classes

At Monona Grove Nursery School our teachers plan programs for preschoolers ages 3-5 years that encompass the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of each child. The classroom is structured in a way that allows each child to explore a number of activities.

We’ve developed these this special document (see link below) to highlight reasons why we feel that MGNS is a wonderful choice for Preschool.

Why Choose MGNS for Preschool?

A typical day in all classrooms offers a balanced program that includes:

Group Time
Group experiences include sharing, musical games, songs, stories and finger rhymes. We encourage each child to participate and share with the group each day.

Large Motor Skills / Outdoor Time
Activity is essential for the growing body as well as the growing mind. Weather permitting, we spend time on the playground every day. There are opportunities for climbing, running, sliding and sandbox play. In inclement weather, we use a large indoor space for a variety of large motor skill activities.

Free Choice Time
Children enjoy a long, unhurried and uninterrupted time to learn through play. This would include sensory activities, puzzles, construction and building toys, dramatic play, science experimentation, books and art.

Snack Time
Once a day, we sit together to share a small snack and talk quietly at our tables. The snack is provided by that days “helping parent” so that each child gets a chance to bring a “favorite” healthy snack to share.


Morning Classes
Starfish – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (8:45 am – 11:45 am)
Penguins – Thursday and Friday (8:45 am – 11:45 am)
Dolphins – Tuesday through Friday (MMSD 4K program) (8:40 am – 11:45 am)

Afternoon Classes 
Sea Otters – Tuesday through Friday – Mixed age (age 3-5) and MMSD 4K program (12:40 pm – 3:45 pm)

Class Size
Class size ranges between 16-18 children.

Age of Children
Your child must turn 3 before December 1 in order to enroll in preschool at MGNS. Children need to be completely potty trained.

Ready to enroll? Click here! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!